Telegram group Help Bot


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English (It has many more)



Group Help is the most complete Bot for Telegram to help you manage your groups easily and safely!

👉🏻 Add me in a Supergroup and promote me as Admin to let me get in action!


More info

Group Help is a Bot developed in PHP7, it’s online since 13 April 2016 and it’s constantly updated!

Possibly the best moderation bot you can find on Telegram, it is highly customizable with countless options to suit any group, very intuitive and easy to use through an interface. The most interesting thing about this bot is that it gives you the option to clone it, in fact the developer recommends doing it, with this you will have the same bot but created by you and moderating exclusively in your group thus avoiding overload problems, cloning it also allows you to customize the name, description and photo of the bot, making it even more moldable.


👮🏻 /reload updates the Admins list and their privileges

🕵🏻 /settings lets you manage all the Bot settings in a group

👮🏻 /ban lets you ban a user from the group without giving him the possibility to join again using the link of the group

👮🏻 /mute puts a user in read-only mode. He can read but he can’t send any messages

👮🏻 /kick bans a user from the group, giving him the possibility to join again with the link of the group

👮🏻 /unban lets you remove a user from group’s blacklist, giving them the possibility to join again with the link of the group

👮🏻 /info gives information about a user
👮🏻 /infopvt is the same of /info, but sends infos in private chat

◽️ /staff gives the complete List of group Staff

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