How To Know If Someone Blocked You on Telegram

If you’re wondering whether someone has blocked you on Telegram, this comprehensive guide will help you figure it out. Here are the key indicators to look for:

  • Undelivered Messages: If your messages are stuck on one tick instead of two, this could mean you’ve been blocked. While one tick signifies that the message has been sent, two ticks indicate it has been delivered. If it remains on one tick, it’s a strong sign of being blocked.


  • Profile Picture Disappears: When blocked, you can no longer see the other person’s profile picture. Although it’s possible they just removed their photo, blocking is a likely reason for its disappearance.
  • “Last Seen” Status: If the status shows “last seen a long time ago,” it may indicate you’ve been blocked. However, this could also mean the user has not been active on Telegram recently. Sudden changes to this status can be a significant clue.

profile blocked on telegram

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