news bot telegram

A Telegram bot that will help you to be updated about the news in the World with International news, economics, trending, COVID…

There are many, so try and find your best.

Goals ninja

Goals ninja

GoalsNinjaEnglishGet live Football scores of your favourite players, teams or even leagues.Type /get followed by the...

Xanon News

Xanon News

@XasonNewsBotEnglishSmart news assistant. Chat for latest News, Trending, add topics and webpage to watchlist, get...

Xason News & Trends Telegram

Xason News & Trends Telegram

@XasonNewsBotEnglish-Smart news assistant. Chat for latest News, trending, add topics and wepage to watchlist. Get...

✨Astronomical Events Bot✨

✨Astronomical Events Bot✨

@astronomicaleventsbotEnglish-It tells you about the daily, monthly or set notifications about any astronomical events...

Xason News & Trends

Xason News & Trends

@XasonNewsBotEnglish-Smart news assistant. Chat for latest News, Trending, add topics and webpage to watchlist, get...