Tv and movies bots

The best movie, videos and all audiovisual related stuff with Telegram bots. Enjoy knowing all you need about your favorite series, dramas, movies, anime…

AniFluid Telegram

AniFluid Telegram

AniFluidEnglishTrack and Search, Get delivered anime news or notified about new episodes.Here are some basic...

Movies tracker Telegram bot

Movies tracker Telegram bot

Movies Tracker BotEnglishThis bot will provide you information about the film directly from IMDB. This way, members of...

All web series downloader bot

TV Series Bot 📺EnglishFind the bes series movies or request one you are looking for.📌 Goto google and type the correct...

One piece Telegram bot

One piece Telegram bot

OP Manga & Anime BotEnglishBot to search, read, watch and download One Piece manga or anime!This Bot can be...

Stream Radar Telegram Bot

Stream Radar Telegram Bot

🎬 Stream RadarEnglish and Spanish I'm here to find you on which platforms your movies and TV series are available. You...

Beetube Telegram

Beetube Telegram

@Beetube_botEnglishDownload free 📀 music, 🎥 videos, 🌍 torrents, 🎵 EDM tracks, 🎬 movies and more using this bot 📲Write...

Torrent Hunt Telegram

Torrent Hunt Telegram

@torrenthuntbot18 different (English, Spanish..).A telegram bot to search and explore torrents that support 18...

Anime Streaming Bot

Anime Streaming Bot

@anime_stream_botEnglishJust push Search anime and then type the anime name you want to watch. Easy.Stream your...

Convert Bot for Telegram

Convert Bot for Telegram

@converto_botEnglishlkjlhyloyouyouyoyoyoy A simple bot that lets you download in video (mp4) as in audio (mp3) format...

My series Telegram

My series Telegram

@MisSeriesBotSpanish (it can be changed to English or Catalan)-Do you want to know at the moment when the newest...

Youtube Search Bot

Youtube Search Bot

@vidEnglishIf you want to share YouTube videos without leaving Telegram this is the best option. -Simply type @vid in...