Nombre del Bot



Inglés, Indonesio, Ruso, Ucraniano



Zoldier es un Bot de citas estilo Tinder pero dentro de Telegram. Simplemente tienes que dar likes a otro usuario y si dicho like es recíproco, podéis empezar a mandaros mensajes directamente.



Más info

In the bottom right corner you can easily find four dots. If you click them you go to «Menu» with the following buttons: «Find a Mate», «Profile», «Sympathy», «Settings», «Pricing plans».

this is what the main menu looks like

👥 «Find a Mate» takes you back to the feed with users.

👤 «Profile» helps you to edit your profile info.

Change your Zodier photo by clicking «📷 Photo».

Change information about yourself by clicking «💌 Description».

Change your location that will be shown to other users by clicking «🗺 Location».
And don’t forget to change it during your trips.

Check the details of your subscription or try a new one by clicking «💳 Pricing plans».

this is how the 👤Profile menu looks like

 💑 «Sympathy» shows who likes you (💟 Liked by) and with whom you has a match (😍 Mutual likes).

Only Zodier Gold let’s you open «💟 Liked by» section and like users there to immediately get a mutual like 🙂

⚙️ «Settings» helps you to change your profile settings.

Change the language in which the bot will communicate with you by clicking
«🗣 Language».

Change the search distance in which the bot will find and show you users by clicking «📏 Maximum distance».

Change the age filter by clicking «🔞 Age Range».

You can choose one of the five options: users who are 1 year younger and older than you, 3, 5,10 years difference accordingly or without age limits.

«Stickers» button shows you our sticker pack.

💵 «Pricing plans» shows info about available subscriptions where you can choose the one you like best.